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Sunday, October 5, 2008

Priority Schools

In recent months there has been a lot of news about how the public schools are doing well and improving all of the time, what isn't publicized enough, is the schools that need help. Even though there has been improvement in public schools, there are school that are still struggling. There is a gap in the quality of public schools. The public schools that are doing well, are way up there, where as the schools that are doing poorly, are literally hitting rock bottom.
The NEA or National Education Association is trying to step in to close this gap. The public schools that are succeeding and improving are the ones in wealthier areas, with much better resources. The ones that are failing are in poorer areas, with untrained teachers, overcrowded classrooms, and mainly minority groups. Something needs to be done to help these schools get back on their feet.
The NEA has many programs that are trying to help these schools improve. One of the programs is the Minority Community Outreach. This program seeks to help minority groups succeed in school mainly by reducing class sizes, increasing parent involvment, and better courses for English learning students. The NEA also has other programs for these schools such as their School Safety Program, or their Family School Community Partnership Program. All of these in some way seek to improve the schools that are dramatically falling behind.
The NEA is now making these schools, "Priority Schools." Although the NEA is great and will do a signifigant amount to help improve these schools, other people need to become involved. The government needs to step in, and realize where the education system lacks. It's school like these that have the potential to become great, but their students and schools lack the help and money they need to succeed. I know that this is something that can't happen overnight, but this issue is becoming greater and greater. How would you feel if you were growing up in an area with a school system that couldn't give you the education you wanted or deserved?


1 comment:

jmay said...

I one hundred percent agree with you when you say that there are schools that are being left out. It's like they help out the schools that are in the public eye and forget about the ones that nobody talks about. I was just talking to a teacher from an inner city public school system and they laid 80 teachers off this year....Some thing needs to be done, we have 70o billion dollars to bail out all these jerks that are making bad investments and "stealing" our money but there's no help for our education system... where is this countries priorities...